Drafted by Anjali, Cameron, Nandini, and Norbert at WN’s Documentation-palooza 2k24 What is the purpose of our project? To collect data from basic sensors (temperature, humidity, weight) that are placed in/around the beehive, and get this data to us as well as let beekeepers see live-ish measurements. This data will be stored on the logging… Continue reading Documentation 4/18/24
Author: Cameron Fuller
Project Update (end of FA23)
END OF 2023 PROJECT UPDATE People: Gloria, Norbert, Cameron Things worked on this semester: Reading device, logging device Updates: Common problems: Next steps:
Documentation 4/18/23
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv This page is deprecated, look at 2024 documentation instead ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Drafted by Cameron and Gloria at WN’s Documentation-palooza 2k23 What is the purpose of our project? What parts are involved and why, how do they fit together? The logging device: reads from sensors, saves data locally, updates EEPROM with most current data The reading… Continue reading Documentation 4/18/23
State of the Project: September
Installed a setup with light and temp+RH sensors on Professor Schmitz’s hives recently, photos below. It blew off after a few days, and upon inspection it looks like the battery died at night (~18 hours in) and didn’t recharge the morning after. Need to investigate: why didn’t the solar panel recharge the battery and restart… Continue reading State of the Project: September