Group Members: Charles Lai, Po-Jen Ko, Leo L Purpose of the Project: This project aims to build cheap, non-intrusive, and user-friendly bee-observing devices. The goal is to record the activities inside the beehives and send the data back to WaggleNet’s backend for further processing in real-time. The image and video data will be analyzed using… Continue reading Camera Project SP 2024 Final Report
Author: jiayeyl2
Week 9 updates (10/19 ~ 10/26)
Printed the redesigned frame. Planning to fix the joints with screws and install the device onto the beehive for our firstdata collection!
Week 8 updates (10/12 ~ 10/19)
Researched the theoretical maximum fps (60) and image resolution (1080p) our current camera module can achieve. Prepare to test the practical fps and resolution for the camera module once the redesigned frame is ready.
Week 7 updates (10/5 ~ 10/12)
Redesigned the joints and added threads for the holes. Also started the research on the possibility of adding fisheye lens to enlarge the view of camera.
Week 6 updates (9/28 ~ 10/5)
Info session this week & introduce camera project to newcomers.
Week 5 updates (9/21 ~ 9/28)
Celebrating getting new members for camera project!
Info For Newcomers
Hello, I’m Charles and I am the lead for the camera project. Excited to work with you guys. Although I will go through this with you in person, I’ll still leave this here as a reminder. I’ll divide this group into a software subgroup and hardware subgroup. Please let me know which subgroup you guys… Continue reading Info For Newcomers
Week 4 update (9/14 ~ 9/21)
Tasks done this week: Successfully 3D printed all parts for the frame (only prototype) Successfully assembled all parts together Plans for the upcoming week: Prepare for ERF, making sure everything works Photos for the joints and all parts: P.S. Joint A and D perform well. Joint C can be improved. Joint B’s performance is bad.
Week 3 update (9/7 ~ 9/14)
Task Done this week: Measured the focal distance of camera Finished the 3d model for the frame used to maintain the focal distance. Plan for next week: Finish 3D printing the frame Finish assembling the frame