Documentation 4/18

Drafted by Frank at WN’s Documentation-palooza 2k23

  • Purpose of the project:
    • The goal of the project is to design and implement a system to tag the bees so that they can be individually distinguished and potentially tracked.
  • How it works:
    • The final version of the project still needs to be designed. So far, we have designed a prototype of the project that simply paints each bee that is put through the system with the same color. So, the following refers to the prototype instead of the final version.
      • Our idea is that since the vast majority of bee tagging currently is done by tagging the bees manually, any sort of automation would be helpful.
    • The bees are somehow lured into a tunnel where pistons control where the bees can move. Sensors in the tunnel control these pistons and the tagging mechanism. After the bees are tagged, they are then released.
  • The parts:
    • The software used is mainly the Arduino code for the Arduino, which controls the linear actuators and is connected to the circuit.
    • The Arduino controls some servo motors that act as pistons, which we might switch to prebuilt linear actuators.
    • The circuit is simply just photoresistors connect to the Arduino for a voltage differential. 
    • The physical system is built with 3D printing and some plexiglass, which is used since the photoresistors need sunlight to work properly.
    • We can also use solar panels and batteries in the future to power the system.
  • For each part:
    • Frank knows the most about the circuit and the Arduino code that controls the pistons and sensors. 
    • Gokul knows the most about 3D printing the system through CAD
  • Parts are stored:
    • Inside the box labeled “Bee Tagging” under the bench
  • We have initially considered:
    • Using RFID tags to individually tag the bees
      • This is not yet entirely abandoned, but we have not decided on the final bee tagging method yet.
        • Get in touch with Prof. Schmitz and Dane Sievers to discuss the tagging method.
  • Useful skills:
    • Arduino, 3D printing, circuit design/debugging, and potentially some programming later on.